Commercial vehicle operations website undergoes user-friendly revisions
By Jesse Johnson, Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations

Commercial vehicle operations website was updated to make it easier for customers. |
The Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations revised its commercial vehicle operations website Jan. 3 to make it easier for customers (primarily commercial transportation providers) to find what they need and conduct business with MnDOT online.
Rather than assume what customers might need, OFCVO formed a project team of office staff and the Office of Communications and Public Engagement to guide the revision process and used data on website user behavior and survey feedback to create a prototype of the site.
Once the site was functional, the team invited customers to test the prototype via Microsoft Teams, while the project team observed how they navigated the site. This approach highlighted both the benefits to the new design, as well as challenges users had with finding what they needed on the site. The revised website takes a minimalist approach, focusing on providing information that helps customers complete a task, such as scheduling a vehicle inspection or ordering an oversize/overweight truck permit. Additional information that doesn’t directly support customers in achieving a task is either limited or no longer exists on the website.
OFCVO plans to make further refinements to the site as it learns more what customers find most useful.
New year, new website for Office of Civil Rights
By Su Love, Office of Civil Rights

The Office of Civil Rights used feedback from stakeholders to make updates to their website. |
The Office of Civil Rights recently launched a new website that is streamlined, user-centered and optimized for search engine effectiveness. The redesign was based on focus groups and feedback from stakeholders, including community representatives, contractors, employment and business advocates, other MnDOT offices, other government agencies, training program representatives, tribal employment rights officers and representatives, and union representatives.
Under the banner, “Committed to equity in transportation,” the OCR site offers links to five major areas of information:
- Small business programs
- Equal opportunity and workforce programs
- Training programs
- Loans, grants and requests for proposals
- Nondiscrimination
Each of these areas leads the user to additional, more specific information about programs and resources.
The new website also provides individual tabs for updated information in the categories of News, Events, Forms, Reports and Contacts.
In addition to significantly reducing the file size and complexity of the website by deleting old or redundant information, the new site allows for linked documents to be saved as eDOCs, which keeps the website in sync when linked documents are updated and helps comply with data retention requirements.
The redesign process was interrupted at the start of the pandemic in 2020 and picked up again this autumn. OCR was aided in this effort by Mike Foley, web content coordinator in the Office of Communications and Public Engagement.
Visit the redesigned Civil Rights website at |