
New 511 service offers one-stop shopping for traveler information
Commissioner Elwyn Tinklenberg tests the 511 traveler information number
at the July 1 news conference kicking off the new service. Photo
by Gary Andrist
"Build it and they will come."
That could be the rallying cry for Mn/DOT’s new 511 traveler information service
that was launched on July 1.
Mn/DOT built a new Web site and phone system to provide weather-related road
conditions, construction and congestion information. The public came and kept
on coming — using the new Web site and phone system at more than 10 times the
rate they were using the old sources for traveler information.
During the first week of operation there were 13,686 calls to 511 and 18,832
hits on the Web site.
The service is part of an effort to provide consistent and reliable traveler
information nationwide. Minnesota was one of six states selected to launch a
511 service after the Federal Communications Commission in July 2000 officially
designated 511 as a nationwide number for travel information.
"Providing quick and convenient access to road, traffic and weather information
is one of the most important services Mn/DOT can provide," noted Commissioner
Elwyn Tinklenberg at a news conference on July 1 to launch the service. Tinklenberg
leads the national 511 Deployment Coalition.
In testimony before Congress in Washington D.C. in May, he noted that advanced
technology, including 511, is key to meeting the transportation challenges of
the 21st century.
"We need to do more than simply build and maintain highways and transit
systems," said Tinklenberg. "We also need to develop and deploy state-of-the-art
technology to improve safety, security and reliability for travelers and to
better manage the resources we have."
From left, Ginny Crowson, 511 program coordinator, answers questions
from St. Paul Pioneer Press transportation reporter Toni Coleman at
the July 1 news conference. Photo by Marsha Storck
"At the same time 511 is helping drivers plan their routes, it is also
serving as an important tool to reduce congestion and improve safety,"
said Ginny Crowson, coordinator of Mn/DOT’s Advanced Traveler Information Systems
and the 511 program.
The Web site and phone number work together to provide travelers with a one-stop
source of traveler information.
"Generally, the phone system performed very well and was able to handle
the high volume of calls we received during the holiday weekend, " notes
Crowson. "Typically, we would have only received 100-200 calls per day
compared with the 2,000-3,000 calls we actually received with the new system."
The phone system uses voice recognition to allow callers to navigate through
a series of menus to get to the information they need.
"Voice recognition is definitely a work in progress," adds Crowson.
"As we continue to improve this service, we'll introduce additional help
prompts that will make the system even easier to use."
Crowson noted future plans include adding public transit and tourism information
"Check out the Web site at http://www.511mn.org or pick up the phone and
give it a try. Be sure to take advantage of the telephone prompt and Web links
to comment on the system. The system will continue to improve with help from
our customers," said Crowson.
By Kay Korsgaard

Transfers of employees to Metro, districts delayed until mid-July
Shaping Our Future changes requiring the transfer of temporary and permanent
employees or functions from Program Support offices to the districts and Metro
Division have been delayed until mid-July. Shaping Our Future transition plans
for each office were approved June 28.
Offices and districts will review a process for transfer of employees, financial
resources and functions by July 17. After that time, the Office of Human Resources
will work with offices to help them begin the transfer of affected employees
between July and November 2002.
"The purpose of delaying all position transfers until that time is to
look at all positions collectively to ensure equal opportunities for affected
employees," said Marthand Nookala, assistant director, Program Support
"Every effort will be made to find positions for employees whose skills
are transferable or who can be retrained," said Rich Peterson, acting director,
Office of Human Resources. "Human Resources representatives will meet with
office directors to identify positions that can be adequately filled by employees
whose positions have been eliminated."
Temporary assignments may be required to ensure affected services and functions
continue until they are officially transferred to their new location.
Also, employees who are working on time-sensitive projects or initiatives will
not be moved until their assignments are completed. This means some transfers
may not occur until after November 2002.
From now until July 17, Human Resources will examine ways to make the transfer
of employees and functions go as smoothly as possible.
According to Jim McKane, labor relations manager, Mn/DOT’s management also
met with union representatives to discuss ways to minimize the impact of change
on employees.
"I understand change isn’t easy and I want to keep you informed as we
implement changes that will directly affect the work of some employees and almost
certainly affect all of us in how we operate and deliver the program,"
said Deputy Commissioner Doug Weiszhaar. "Our employees are our greatest
assets and we want to consider everyone’s needs before making transfers."
"I also want to thank you for all the hard work you do. Although the current
administration may change in 2003, the majority of you will continue the work
you do for Mn/DOT. We can’t continue without you and the important work you
do every day to meet customer needs."
The transfer of employees and functions due to Shaping Our Future changes should
not be confused with pending office relocations within the Capitol Complex.
For more information about these moves, go to http://ihub.dot.state.mn.us./commissioner/messages2002.html
on the Intranet.
For more information about overall Shaping Our Future efforts, visit the Web
site at http://ihub.dot.state.mn.us./shaping/. Talk with your supervisor to
get more information if you don’t have access to the Internet.
By Donna Lindberg

Mn/DOT renews commitment to a more diverse workforce
A renewed emphasis on achieving greater diversity in the agency was stressed
during the Commissioner’s Forum held on June 26.
The meeting focused on the roles and responsibilities of management and strategies
the agency will adopt in order to achieve a more diverse workforce.
"A diverse organization will help us take advantage of the broad array
of skills and abilities and experience represented throughout our community
and will make it possible for us to serve the needs of this region and this
state long into the future," said Commissioner Elwyn Tinklenberg.
The face of Minnesota is changing, according to data from the 2000 Census
which show a more racially and ethnically diverse Minnesota. Statistics reveal
that minorities comprise approximately 11.8 percent of Minnesota’s population.
Mn/DOT’s workforce consists of approximately 6.8 percent racially and ethnically
diverse employees.
"Our agency must reflect the communities we serve," said Tinklenberg
as he addressed management staff.
Keynote speaker Lee Butcher, Medtronic’s senior diversity director, described
the company’s diversity efforts and outlined the techniques his company developed
in order to make its efforts a success. Techniques mentioned included 10-hour
training sessions for all staff, peer and mentorship programs, and accountability
and support of managers, supervisors and directors to achieve diversity goals.
Janet Bouyer, Affirmative Action officer, presented Mn/DOT’s new Diversity
Strategic Plan outlining four strategies the agency will implement to integrate
diversity into existing business practices and human resources systems.
"In many of the agency’s job classifications, we have not met our hiring
goals," she said. That’s why it was necessary to develop a plan that focused
on the strategies of recruitment, good faith hiring efforts and planning and
development for succession and retention."
"Increasing diversity within Mn/DOT is not a new initiative, said Chief
of Staff Margo LaBau. "However, with a solid diversity plan in place, the
agency will establish real goals and provide measurable means of evaluating
and quantifying diversity efforts."
The agency plans to launch a department-wide diversity campaign in mid-July
in response to the overall diversity strategy of becoming a more diverse agency.
For more information about Mn/DOT’s diversity efforts and the Diversity Strategic
Plan, visit the diversity Web site at ihub/diversity.
By Daneeka Marshall-Oquendo

Pay stub information will not be mailed to employees beginning this pay period
July 12, 2002, is the first pay period that paper direct deposit information
or paychecks will not be mailed to employees by the Department of Finance, whether
they are on direct deposit or receiving a paycheck.
"The format of paychecks will change to postcard size, similar to the
format used for state tax rebate checks," said Rich Peterson, acting director,
Human Resources. "This change will eliminate any pay stub information on
the paycheck.
Employees can now access recent pay stub information and information dating
back to January, 2002, on the Web at www.state.mn.us/employee
from their work location on Mn/DOT's Intranet site at http://ihub.dot.state.mn.us./
or from their home computer on the Internet at http://www.dot.state.mn.us/.
Employees can sign in by typing in their user ID (their eight-digit SEMA4 employee
identification number). The initial password will be the last four digits of
their Social Security Number. (Employees can find both their employee ID and
their SSN on their recent paycheck or stub.)
Employees can also access pay stub information directly by going to the Department
of Finance Web site www.finance.state.mn.us/paystub.
The site includes an online guide to help them become more familiar with the
process. It also includes general information and answers to many common questions.
"If you are unable to see pay stub information, it may be in the process
of loading. Just try again later," said Michael Garza, director, Information
Resource Management. "If you do not have access to the Web, work with your
supervisor or payroll administrator. If you encounter a technical problem, contact
MIS personnel in your local desktop support services office."
Garza notes the pay stub Web site belongs to the Department of Finance, not
Mn/DOT. He said, however, that Mn/DOT network staff helped DOF identify and
eliminate several bugs that prevented users from accessing the site.
By Donna Lindberg

Floods plague state highways as costs continue to mount
A worker with the city
of Warroad uses a backhoe to build a dike to keep floodwaters from Lake
of the Woods at bay. Photo by Roger Hille
Widespread flooding or threats of floods continue
to plague Mn/DOT maintenance forces in early July, even as officials begin to
assess the cost of flooding during May and June.
Some highways remain flooded in northern and north-central Minnesota while
other areas such as Warroad brace for yet another flood.
As recently as Monday, flooding from heavy rains forced the Brainerd District
to close Hwy 27 between Isle and Woodland.
With recent rains in the Detroit Lakes district, water again covered Highway
113 east of Waubun and Highway 200 east of Mahnomen. Crews have made repairs
to area roads since flooding that plagued the region during the last few weeks
of June.
Maintenance Superintendent Dennis Redig doesn’t anticipate much more damage
to area roads from the recent rainfall, because water isn’t rushing over the
road. "However, that could change if heavy rains were to occur," says
Redig. "We’ve been lucky so far with only about $10,000 in damages."
In the Bemidji District, Hwy 9 near Ada remains closed four miles south of
the city and between Borup and Felton. And Hwy 200 between Hwy 32 and Mahnomen
is still closed. Recently, water covered Hwy 11, the major east-west route along
the Canadian border, near Baudette, slowing traffic.
The district faces renewed flooding at Warroad where strong winds and high
water on Lake of the Woods threaten the city. To thwart the threat, maintenance
crews from the Bemidji and Duluth districts delivered and helped install nearly
1,500 feet road barriers and helped build earthen dikes during the 4th
of July weekend, said Roger Hille, marketing and operations engineer at Crookston.
Crews from Bemidji placed 800 feet of concrete Jersey barriers while crews from
the Virginia Maintenance Area installed nearly 700 feet of water-filled Triton
The barriers provide protection from waves for a clay dike placed behind them.
Their use allowed the city to keep travel routes open by building narrower dikes
placed on city streets.
Hille said Mn/DOT forces worked with crews from Warroad, Roseau County and
the Corps of Engineers to help protect the city.
Preliminary estimates place the cost of the flooding to Mn/DOT at more than
$1 million, said Bob Vasek, maintenance operations support engineer, Maintenance.
Additional costs stem from bridge and culvert washouts and damage to roads,
shoulders and slopes. Other costs came from assistance to cities, counties and
other government units.
Vasek said Mn/DOT’s work with other agencies drew praise from Public Safety’s
Division of Emergency Management for assistance provided to local agencies.
Division officials, Vasek said, credited Mn/DOT crews with being among the
first to respond in flooded areas such as Ada, Borup and Mahnomen where combined
efforts helped prevent major residential losses due to flooding.
Mn/DOT’s efforts also elicited praise from highway users such as Roxanne Melton
of Waverly who commuted on Hwy 12 after floods left it water-covered.
"I drive from Waverly to Delano each day. With the water over Hwy 12,
it can get kind of scary," she wrote to Mn/DOT. "Each day the Mn/DOT
crew is always there to make sure everyone is safe. It’s very nice to know that
someone is there just in case someone gets in trouble."
By Craig Wilkins

Hughes succeeds Rohrbach as director of Materials and Road Research
Pat Hughes, formerly Mn/DOT’s design-build director, succeeds Gerry Rohrbach
as director of Materials and Road Research. Rohrbach retired on July 9, capping
a 35-year career with Mn/DOT.
Rohrbach served in his current role since 1998. He previously served as director
of Technical Support, the department’s paving engineer and in other managerial
and engineering roles.
In addition to assuming leadership of Materials and Road Research, Hughes will
also continue to assist Program Support Group office directors develop quality
assurance plans for functions being transferred to the districts.
Hughes previously served in various engineering and management positions including
District 8 engineer and assistant commissioner for Program Support and for Program

Process under way to improve GroupWise address book information
Staff in the Office of Information Resource Management are addressing problems
concerning inaccuracies in employee information found in the GroupWise address
Nearly a year ago, selected information in the GroupWise address book (for
most employees) was compiled using information contained in the employee profile
in SEMA4, the state’s personnel management system. The information being updated
includes an employee’s phone number, fax number, mail stop number, office address
and job classification.
The synchronization process involves a nightly download of information from
SEMA4 that compares and then updates the GroupWise address book, said Sarah
Kline-Stensvold, network infrastructure manager, Information Resource Management.
The majority of the inaccuracies to date have been traced to user network accounts
that had not been associated with an employee identification number, Kline-Stensvold
In order for the update to proceed correctly the employee identification number
must be available. OIRM staff will develop methods to monitor user accounts
to verify that employee identification numbers are added. In the interim, OIRM
staff are working through existing accounts, adding employee identification
numbers to these accounts, Kline-Stensvold said.
Some users have already reported that previously incorrect information in GroupWise
has been changed. However, because there are a large number of accounts without
identification numbers, it will take awhile to resolve all the account issues.
Users who find that their GroupWise address book information is incorrect should
continue to notify their office managers. Because issues related to inaccurate
data in SEMA4 also contribute to the inaccuracies found in the GroupWise address
book, office managers should be sure to check SEMA4 information for accuracy
when there are discrepancies with GroupWise address book information.
By Craig Wilkins
