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  moving minnesota through employee communication
  October 31, 2001 No. 35 
This week's top stories
St. Cloud airport expands runway, potential for region’s economic growth
Early winter storm in northwestern Minnesota tests Mn/DOT's mettle
Alertness, quick action defuse anthrax scare at Windom
 St. Cloud airport expands runway, potential for region’s economic growth

Aerial view of airport runway

The white curing compound is still on this St. Cloud Regional Airport runway, which reopened Oct. 29 after a $16.2-million reconstruction. The previous 5,200-foot runway had deteriorated and had faced permanent closure. Photo courtesy of the St. Cloud Regional Airport

Calling the recent expansion of the St. Cloud Regional Airport runway "crucial to the future growth of this area and the state," Commissioner Elwyn Tinklenberg also told the crowd gathered Oct. 29 at the runway’s dedication that "we need to keep moving forward—our work together is not done."

Tinklenberg was one of several dignitaries on hand to mark the completion of the $16.2-million project, which added 1,800 feet to the existing 5,200-foot runway and made other airport facility improvements to help draw future passenger and freight service.

Funding for the project came primarily from the Federal Aviation Administration, with the City of St. Cloud ($2.1 million) and Mn/DOT ($1.5 million) contributing additional monies.

"We need to continue working as partners to address future growth of this airport and the role it can play in providing a greater choice to air carriers, freight companies, local businesses and the movement of people, goods and services as it relates to the big picture," Tinklenberg added.

Other speakers at the event were U.S. Rep. Jim Oberstar; U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson; Larry Meyer, St. Cloud mayor; and Cecelia Hunziker, FAA Great Lakes Region administrator.


 Early winter storm in northwestern Minnesota tests Mn/DOT's mettle

Dave Dalager woke to the sound of rain drumming on his roof during the early morning hours of Oct. 24. Given the weather reports promising cold arctic air, he knew his crew of 85 Mn/DOT snow and ice fighters was soon going to get its first test of the season. In spades.

Twelve inches of wet, heavy snow eventually fell in the Red River Valley area from Fargo to Canada, according to Dalager, District 2 field maintenance superintendent. Because I-29 in North Dakota (just west of the Minnesota border) was completely blocked, the diverted traffic further intensified the problem on the Minnesota highways.

"There was so much water in the snow that trucks were stuck in the middle of the road," Dalager said. "It was a struggle to get snow off the road, much less get to bare pavement."

He said stalled cars and trucks were everywhere, further hampering the efforts of MnDOT's crews to clear the roadways. Maintenance crews from the east side of the district were called upon to help out, plowing and sanding for the next several days to open up traffic lanes, Dalager said.

"I commend our maintenance forces for their dedication and tireless efforts in fighting this storm, the likes of which I have seen only a few times in my 26-year career," he said.

Winter reared its icy head in District 4 as well. According to Pat Vogt, District 4 public affairs coordinator, trucks were dispatched early in the morning on Oct. 24. With heavy snow and northwest winds gusting over 40 mph, snowplow operators from the Moorhead and Detroit Lakes sub areas moved into round-the-clock snow and ice operations.

Joe Stegmaier, sub area supervisor, reported treacherous driving conditions caused numerous vehicles to slide off the road in the Moorhead area, including two jackknifed semis on Hwy 10 and I-94.

"It was the strongest early-season storm I've seen in a long time," Stegmaier said, "but we were ready to clear the highways of snow and ice. By Friday afternoon, our highways were in good driving condition."


 Alertness, quick action defuse anthrax scare at Windom

Alertness and a quick response by Dale Plemmons, Mankato/Windom district safety officer, and John Berge, inventory supervisor, resolved a suspected case of anthrax contamination at the Windom Maintenance Area headquarters.

Plemmons responded to a Oct. 24 call from Berge, who informed him that employee Roy Schmidt discovered a white powder on his clothing after handling a recently delivered package.

The powder turned out to be a harmless substance, but Plemmons said he acted quickly to assure employees at Windom there was no anthrax contamination and to allay their fears.

Plemmons said Berge and his staff acted promptly and in accordance with standard procedures and instructions they had received for handling such situations. Berge, who also serves as Windom’s hazardous waste coordinator, and other employees had just reviewed procedures for handling suspicious mail and packages the morning of the same day the suspect package was delivered, Plemmons noted.

Larry Thompson, Mn/DOT’s safety director, said Berge’s handling of the situation and Plemmons’ quick reaction and follow-through show the level of concern and alertness that all employees need to maintain.

"More than ever, it’s time for us to look out for one another," Thompson said. "If you see anything unusual, don’t be afraid to report it. We’ll take any threat seriously until it’s proven otherwise."

Kathy Como, an epidemiologist with the Minnesota Department of Health, said a handful of other state agencies have experienced similar alarms related to anthrax. None of them, she said, was determined to be harmful.

Click here for information from the Department of Administration about safe mail and package handling.


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