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  moving minnesota through employee communication
  October 18, 2001 Special Edition 
 Message from Commissioner


Elwyn Tinklenberg

Dear co-workers:

To say this has been a difficult year would be a huge understatement. The stress of an extended and, for transportation, a disappointing legislative session, a potential shutdown, the strike and the ongoing national crisis has all conspired to rob us of our momentum, our focus and our energy. It would be easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged.

I know that many of our co-workers are anxious or angry and are wondering whether it’s worth it to continue to try as hard as they have in the past. Some are thinking of retreating not physically but emotionally, of pulling back from their fellow employees and their commitment to the important work we all have to do.

But that would be exactly the wrong response. Now more than ever we need to pull together. We need to acknowledge how important it is that we respect and value and support each other. And we need to remind ourselves that we are involved in a job worth doing within an organization that has a proud tradition of rising to every challenge.

With the events of the last month, both locally and nationally, I have heard a lot of people wondering what they can do, how they can help and feeling at a loss as to how to respond to the new issues we face. But that shouldn’t be a problem for any of us at Mn/DOT. We know how to help. We know how to respond. We can do something productive by doing our job. We’re making a difference everyday. By building and maintaining a strong transportation system, we’re making a vital contribution to a strong country and a strong state. The quality of our future and the opportunities it holds is directly related to the quality each one of us brings to our work today.

We’re still Moving Minnesota. That’s our job and we do it better than anyone else. We need to focus on that mission now more than ever and as we do that we need to remind ourselves everyday that we can only really succeed together.

Thank you for your partnership and your commitment in moving us proudly and positively through this challenging time.

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